BookFlix pairs fictional storybooks with related nonfiction ebooks to strengthen early literacy.
Unlock more for free with a library card. Access endless online catalogs of e-books, audiobooks, research materials and databases, on-demand courses, and tools for early readers.
NoveList Plus
NoveList Plus is a database of book recommendations, reviews, lists, and summaries for all ages.
Mobile printing with Princh
Princh allows you to securely print from your phone, laptop or tablet. Visit the Princh website below and use the following printer-ID codes to print directly to one of our printers:
Powell Library Printer-ID 109903
Cody Library Printer-ID 106464
Pick up and pay for your prints at the circulation desk. Prints are .10 cents per black & white page and $1.00 for color.
Beanstack helps you track your time spent reading each day, set reading goals, participate in library reading challenges, and win cool badges. You can access it online or on your phone. Download the app or visit the website to get started!
The entire Wyoming libraries catalog. You can also check your account, place holds, renew items and link all your family members’ cards to yours.