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Beanstack Reading Challenges

What is Beanstack?

Beanstack is an app and desktop site that allows users to log the amount of time they read each day to earn colorful badges and help build healthy habits.

23 in 23 Challenge

Starting in January, the Park County Libraries launched a new, year-long reading program called the 23 in 23 Challenge, which encourages participants to read 23 genres in the year 2023. Those interested in participating can sign up on Beanstack or stop by the library to grab a challenge sheet to fill in titles as they read each genre. Once every slot is filled, participants can turn in the challenge sheets as entries for prizes! Participants can complete challenge sheets as many times as they like before the year ends.

Monthly Reading Challenge

In response to the popularity of Park County Libraries’ Beanstack app, the library system has decided to launch a new themed reading challenge each month for patrons to complete. Each challenge will run from the first to the last day of that month and feature a set of exclusive badges centered around a theme.

This month:

Spooky season is here! Log your reading throughout the challenge to earn badges.

How do I get started?

On your device: Install the app “Beanstack Tracker”.

· Choose “At my library”.

· Click on Find a Site.

· Search for Park County Libraries.

· Click Sign-Up at the bottom and create an account, then Register as an individual or family.

· Choose your library and program

Online: Visit

· Create an account as an individual or family.

· Find your library and program

To log minutes, reviews, or activities:

Click the Log Reading button in the upper left corner of the website or on the blue plus sign in the app.

Earn a badge when you hit a reading landmark or complete activities. Scan book barcodes to enter books by title. Use the handy minute timer.

ATTENTION: The Park County Libraries will be CLOSED on Tuesday, September 17th for Staff Development & Training.