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Author Talk Brings Alaska Adventure to Park County Libraries

Take a walk through the wilds of Alaska with local author Melissa Cook as she gives a gripping talk about her new book, The Call of the Last Frontier: The True Story of a Woman’s Twenty-Year Alaska Adventure. Cook will be at the Cody Library on Tuesday, January 11th at 6:00 p.m. in Grizzly Hall. She will be at the Powell Library one week later on Wednesday, January 19th at 2:00 p.m.

In 1995, Melissa Cook and her young family moved to the tiny village of Nelson Lagoon on the Bering Sea coast and later to Prince of Wales Island in the Tongass National Forest, where they measured rain in feet. She discovered humor in unique situations found only in the Last Frontier. Her true story captures the essence of bush life, intriguing neighbors, and life with multiple sclerosis. Historical tidbits are sprinkled throughout this riveting tale where adventure arrived on the Cook’s doorstep daily for twenty years in this world of few luxuries or conveniences. Her book talk is sure to delight Alaska and adventure fans.

This event is free and open to the public at both libraries. No sign-up is necessary. For more information, contact the Cody Library at (307) 527-1880 or the Powell Library at (307) 754-8828.

You can find more information about Melissa Cook at her website: